Monday, April 1, 2013

Dream Come True

Before dawn my alarm went off, and jumping out of bed, it was a chilly sixty-six degrees. That's what my iphone weather app said anyway. The trade winds blowing in the window, chilled me to my bones.

The thought of changing into a swimsuit and going to the beach, seemed insane. Forty-five minutes later, I was walking on the cold sand.

Fifteen minutes after that, I was paddling a canoe with six other lovely paddlers and being splashed with icy water.

It took another twenty minutes until my body was so numb from the adrenaline pumping through my system. Cold no longer mattered, I could only focus on my timing with my other paddlers and feel the pull of the canoe in the water.

It was only an hour, and we were back on shore. We wished each other a nice day and went on our separate ways.

I still can't believe that it all happened. Pinch me, I might still be dreaming. This is such a dream come true for me. I can't believe I waited so long to do things I love.

Don't wait like I did! Go out and live your dreams, even if you have to wake up a little earlier than normal, it will be worth it.

Wishing all your dreams come true!
Sending light and love always.

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