Monday, March 17, 2014

Hawaii Living

I have always found the outrigger canoe paddles beautiful. I grew up seeing them in most of my friends homes, hanging on their walls like art.

I have developed a desire to collect them. The few I have, are in constant use, so they don't have time to be admired on my walls.

But I think I prefer to see them at the beach with all my friends as we take them to adventure in the ocean.

Wishing for sunshine, and many new adventures!

Maile Mitchell-Akita

Friday, March 7, 2014

Dream Living

Life is so busy sometimes. We are always going here and there, trying to make it. Lifetimes are also brief. Steal away time just for yourself! Make sure you find balance in work and play. Your life is your dreams made real.

Wishing you many beautiful moments.

Maile Mitchell-Akita